Privacy Policy
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LotusBook247-info Privacy Policy privacy policy covers personal confidentiality regarding the information you provide to us. Your name, address, phone numbers, email address, identification information, and banking information are what we refer to as personal confidentiality.
Acceptance of Privacy Policy
When you access this website, you accept the Terms and Agreement of our Privacy Policy, contractually.
Collection and Use of Information may choose at any point to collect personal and confidential information, from the moment that you accept the Terms and Agreement of our Privacy Policy onward. Should you choose to use our products or other business services from partners, can use this information. The purpose of collecting this information is not used for harmful purposes but rather as statistical information to help us improve our service.
Use of Cookies may use cookies as a form of collecting information. This can be done through our web server with the sole purpose to maintain your privacy and security.
Information Disclosure
Your personal and confidential information will never be sold or rented to anyone. The only circumstance that your information will be disclosed to other companies is only when:
- Once you consent to our Terms and Agreement of our Privacy Policy.
- It is imperative that we disclose your information due to a request you have made.
- For statistical purposes, this will be under a privacy policy.
- In response to any court orders, legal process, or subpoenas.
- If you have abused your actions on’s website.
Information Storage considers your confidential information of the uttermost importance; protects this information as securely as possible. Information can be disclosed only with companies affiliated with may rely on credit reference agencies to perform research in order to prevent fraud, vouch for your age, and prevent identity theft and money laundering. This is done for your benefit and safety. In the research and prevention of this, we may disclose this information to second- or third-party agencies.