Online Gaming Platforms Are Seeking Easy Procedures For Know Your -Customer Process

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Recently there is a lot of interest in online games and esports. The industry has generated a lot of curiosity among youngsters. There are three reasons behind the popularity of online games. A survey has revealed these three reasons. There is entertainment, to pass time and to earn big rewards by playing skill-based games.

The online gaming industry is seeking clarity on know you customer norms under the new amendments to the information and technology act 2021. The industry feels that the norms for know your customer should not be there in the first place. And if there is need for such norms, the process should be easy for customers. The customers coming to how to login lotusbook247 get smooth access to all the online games and fantasy sports. Since most of the online players are for entertainment, any demand for their personal details may put them off. This will reduce the growing consumer base of online games in the country.

All leading players of online gaming have sought that process should be simple as far as possible. The argument given by the online gaming industry is that not all online players put real money into online games. Only a few who have previous experience with online games or casino games come to how login lotusbook247 to play with real money. But a lot of others come to have a good time. Any cumbersome details in know your customer process will limit the entry of online players to online gaming platforms.